
Primary contacts

If you have an queries, comments, or issues with this repository or any of the data contained in the repository please let us know. We have two primary contact addresses:

    • General help with the repository or any data contained in it.
    • Assistance using the repository web interface.
    • Technical assistance with the actual repository.
    • Confidential requests for reviewer access to (private) repository content.

In addition to the above contact addresses, there are also other channels of communication available for more specialised aspects of the repository. If in doubt, email and someone will help point you in the right direction.

Join the cellml-discussion mailing list

The cellml-discussion mailing list is the place for discussion of all things CellML. This includes modelling best practice, suggestions for improvements to the language, discussion of tools and software, the website, and CellML models in the Physiome Repository. This mailing list is also a good place to ask for assistance encoding your model into CellML, and problems with models or usage of the models in the repository.

Reporting an issue with the model repository software

The issue tracker for the core package may be used to report technical issues with the Physiome Model Repository. If you find a bug in the repository software, or would like to suggest a particular feature, this is the place to go.