Calcium Dynamics

Albrecht, Colegrove, Friel, 2002
Differential Regulation of ER Ca2+ Uptake and Release Rates Accounts for Multiple Modes of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ Release
Albrecht, Colegrove, Hongpaisan, Pivovarova, Andrews, Friel, 2001
Multiple Modes of Calcium-induced Calcium Release in Sympathetic Neurons I: Attenuation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ Accumulation at Low [Ca2+]i during Weak Depolarisation
Baylor, Hollingworth, Chandler, 2002
Comparison of Simulated and Measured Calcium Sparks in Intact Skeletal Muscle Fibers of the Frog (Reaction A)
Baylor, Hollingworth, Chandler, 2002
Comparison of Simulated and Measured Calcium Sparks in Intact Skeletal Muscle Fibers of the Frog (Reaction B)
Baylor, Hollingworth, Chandler, 2002
Comparison of Simulated and Measured Calcium Sparks in Intact Skeletal Muscle Fibers of the Frog (Reaction C)
Baylor, Hollingworth, Chandler, 2002
Comparison of Simulated and Measured Calcium Sparks in Intact Skeletal Muscle Fibers of the Frog (Reaction D)
Baylor, Hollingworth, Chandler, 2002
Comparison of Simulated and Measured Calcium Sparks in Intact Skeletal Muscle Fibers of the Frog (Reaction E)
Baylor, Hollingworth, Chandler, 2002
Comparison of Simulated and Measured Calcium Sparks in Intact Skeletal Muscle Fibers of the Frog (Reaction F)
Bertram, Previte, Sherman, Kinard, Satin, 2000
The Phantom Burster Model for Pancreatic Beta Cells (fast bursting model)
Bertram, Previte, Sherman, Kinard, Satin, 2000
The Phantom Burster Model for Pancreatic Beta Cells (medium bursting model)
Bertram, Previte, Sherman, Kinard, Satin, 2000
The Phantom Burster Model for Pancreatic Beta Cells (slow bursting model)
Bertram, Satin, Zhang, Smolen, Sherman, 2004
Calcium and Glycolysis Mediate Multiple Bursting Modes in Pancreatic Islets (glycolytic bursting model)
Bertram, Satin, Zhang, Smolen, Sherman, 2004
Calcium and Glycolysis Mediate Multiple Bursting Modes in Pancreatic Islets (compound bursting model)
Bertram, Sherman, 2004
A Calcium-based Phantom Bursting Model for Pancreatic Islets
Bindschadler, Sneyd, 2001
A Bifurcation Analysis of Two Coupled Calcium Oscillators
Bondarenko, Szigeti, Bett, Kim, Rasmusson, 2004
Computer model of action potential of mouse ventricular myocytes (Apical Cell Description)
Bondarenko, Szigeti, Bett, Kim, Rasmusson, 2004
Computer model of action potential of mouse ventricular myocytes (Septal Cell Description)
Borghans, Dupont, Goldbeter, 1997
Complex intracellular calcium oscillations. A theoretical exploration of possible mechanisms (Model A)
Borghans, Dupont, Goldbeter, 1997
Complex intracellular calcium oscillations. A theoretical exploration of possible mechanisms (Model B)
Borghans, Dupont, Goldbeter, 1997
Complex intracellular calcium oscillations. A theoretical exploration of possible mechanisms (Model C)
Boyett, Zhang, Garny, Holden, 2001
Control of the pacemaker activity of the sinoatrial node by intracellular Ca2+. Experiments and modelling
Chay, 1997
Effects of extracellular calcium on electrical bursting and intracellular and luminal calcium oscillations in insulin secreting pancreatic beta-cells
Chay, Lee, Fan, 1995
Appearance of Phase-locked Wenchbach-like Rhythms, Devil's Staircase and Universality in Intracellular Calcium Spikes in Non-excitable Cell Models
Colegrove, Albrecht, Friel, 2000
Quantitive Analysis of Mitochondrial Ca2+ Uptake and Release Pathways in Sympathetic Neurons Reconstruction of the Recovery after Depolarisation-evoked [Ca2+] Elevations
Cooling, Hunter, Crampin, 2009
Sensitivity of NFAT Cycling to Cytosolic Calcium Concentration: Implications for Hypertrophic Signals in Cardiac Myocytes (Shen-derived calcium protocol)
Cooling, Hunter, Crampin, 2009
Sensitivity of NFAT Cycling to Cytosolic Calcium Concentration: Implications for Hypertrophic Signals in Cardiac Myocytes (Dual Calcium Protocol)
Cooling, Hunter, Crampin, 2009
Sensitivity of NFAT Cycling to Cytosolic Calcium Concentration: Implications for Hypertrophic Signals in Cardiac Myocytes (Tomida-derived calcium protocol)
Cortassa, Aon, Marban, Winslow, O'Rourke, 2003
An Integrated Model of Cardiac Mitrochondrial Energy Metabolism and Calcium Dynamics
Cui, Kaandorp, 2006
Mathematical modeling of calcium homeostasis in yeast cells
Cui, Kaandorp, 2006
Mathematical modeling of calcium homeostasis in yeast cells
Dawson, Lea, Irvine, 2003
Kinetic model of the inositol trisphosphate receptor that shows both steady-state and quantal patterns of Ca2+ release from intracellular stores
De Vries, Sherman, 2000
Channel Sharing in Pancreatic Beta-Cells Revisited: Enhancement of Emergent Bursting by Noise
De Vries, Sherman, 2001
From Spikers to Bursters Via Coupling: Help from Heterogeneity
De Young, Keizer, 1992
A single-pool inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate-receptor-based model for agonist-stimulated oscillations in Ca 2+ concentration
Dougherty, Wright, Yew, 2005
Computational model of the cAMP-mediated sensory response and calcium-dependent adaptation in vertebrate olfactory receptor neurons
Dupont, Berridge, Goldbetter, 1991
Signal-induced Ca2+ oscillations: Properties of a model based on (Ca2+)-induced Ca2+ release (Model A)
Dupont, Berridge, Goldbetter, 1991
Signal-induced Ca2+ oscillations: Properties of a model based on (Ca2+)-induced Ca2+ release (Model B)
Dupont, Goldbeter, 1992
Protein phosphorylation driven by intracellular calcium oscillations: A kinetic analysis (Model A)
Dupont, Goldbeter, 1992
Protein phosphorylation driven by intracellular calcium oscillations: A kinetic analysis (Model B)
Effects of IKr and IKs heterogeneity on action potential duration and its rate dependence: a simulation study (Endocardial Cell Model)
Effects of IKr and IKs heterogeneity on action potential duration and its rate dependence: a simulation study (Endocardial Cell Model)
Effects of IKr and IKs heterogeneity on action potential duration and its rate dependence: a simulation study (Epicardial Cell Model)
Effects of IKr and IKs heterogeneity on action potential duration and its rate dependence: a simulation study (Epicardial Cell Model)
Effects of IKr and IKs heterogeneity on action potential duration and its rate dependence: a simulation study (Midmyocardial Cell Model)
Effects of IKr and IKs heterogeneity on action potential duration and its rate dependence: a simulation study (Midmyocardial Cell Model)
Fall, Keizer, 2001
Mitochondrial Modulation of Intracellular Ca2+ Signalling
Fink, Slepchenko, Loew, 1999
Determination of time-dependent inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate concentrations during calcium release in a smooth muscle cell
Fink, Slepchenko, Moraru, Watras, Schaff, Loew, 2000
An image-based model of calcium waves in differentiated neuroblastoma cells
Fridlyand, Tamarina, Philipson, 2003
Modeling of Ca2+ flux in pancreatic beta-cells: role of the plasma membrane and intracellular stores
Friel, 1995
[Ca2+]i oscillations in sympathetic neurons: an experimental test of a theoretical model
Gall, Susa, 1999
Effect of Na/Ca Exchange on Plateau Fraction and [Ca]i in Models for Bursting in Pancreatic Beta-Cells (Model A)
Gall, Susa, 1999
Effect of Na/Ca Exchange on Plateau Fraction and [Ca]i in Models for Bursting in Pancreatic Beta-Cells (Model B)
Gall, Susa, 1999
Effect of Na/Ca Exchange on Plateau Fraction and [Ca]i in Models for Bursting in Pancreatic Beta-Cells (Model C)
Goforth, Bertram, Khan, Zhang, Sherman, Satin, 2002
Calcium-activated K+ Channels of Mouse Beta Cells are Controlled by Both Store and Cytoplasmic Ca2+: Experimental and Theoretical Studies
Goldbeter, Dupont, Berridge, 1990
Minimal model for signal-induced Ca2+ oscillations and for their frequency encoding through protein phosphorylation
Hilgemann, Noble, 1987
Excitation-contraction coupling and extracellular calcium transients in rabbit atrium: reconstruction of basic cellular mechanisms
Hinch, Greenstein, Tanskanen, Xu, Winslow, 2004
A Simplified Local Control Model of Calcium-Induced Calcium Release in Cardiac Ventricular Myocytes
Houart, Dupont, Albert, 1999
Bursting, Chaos and birhythmicity Originating from Self-modulation of the Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate Signal in a Model for Intracellular Ca2+ Oscillations
Iribe, Kohl, Noble, 2006
Modulatory effect of calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ handling and interval-force relations: a modelling study.
Iyer, Mazhari, Winslow, 2004
A computational model of the human left-ventricular epicardial myocyte
Izakov, Katsnelson, Blyakhman, Markhasin, Shkylar, 1991
Cooperative Effects Due to Calcium Binding by Troponin and Their Consequences for Contraction and Relaxation of Cardiac Muscle Under Various Conditions of Mechanical Loading
Jafri, Rice, Winslow, 1998
Cardiac Ca2+ Dynamics: The Roles of Ryanodine Receptor Adaptation and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Load
Jafri, Rice, Winslow, 1998
Cardiac Ca2+ Dynamics: The Roles of Ryanodine Receptor Adaptation and Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Load (Extended Model)
Katsnelson, Nikitina, Chemla, Solovyova, Coirault, Lecarpentier, Markhasin, 2004
Time is expressed in milliseconds, calcium variables and parameters are normalised to total TnC concentration.
Katsnelson, Nikitina, Chemla, Solovyova, Coirault, Lecarpentier, Markhasin, 2004
Time is expressed in seconds, calcium variables and parameters are expressed in absolute values.
Katsnelson, Nikitina, Chemla, Solovyova, Coirault, Lecarpentier, Markhasin, 2004
Time is expressed in seconds, calcium variables and parameters are normalised to total TnC concentration.
Keener, 2001
Diffusion Induced Oscillatory Insulin Secretion
Keizer, Levine, 1996
Ryanodine Receptor Adaptation and Ca2+-Induced Ca2+ Release-Dependent Ca2+ Oscillations
Landesberg, Sideman, 1994
Mechanical regulation of cardiac muscle by coupling calcium kinetics with cross-bridge cycling: a dynamic model
LeBeau, Yule, Groblewski, Sneyd, 1999
Agonist-dependent Phosphorylation of the Inositol 1,4,5-Triphosphate Receptor
Lemon, Gibson, Bennett, 2003
Metabotropic receptor activation, desensitization and sequestration-I: modelling calcium and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate dynamics following receptor activation
Li, Rinzel, 1994
Equations for InsP3 Receptor-mediated [Ca2+]i Oscillations Derived from a Detailed Kinetic Model: A Hodgkin-Huxley Like Formalism
Magnus, Keizer, 1997
Minimal Model of beta-cell mitochondrial Ca2+ handling
Magnus, Keizer, 1998
Model of beta_cell mitochondrial calcium handling and electrical activity. I. Cytoplasmic variables
Marhl, Haberichter, Brumen, Heinrich, 2000
Complex calcium oscillations and the role of mitochondria and cytosolic proteins
Marhl, Schuster, Brumen, Heinrich, 1997
Modelling the interrelations between calcium oscillations and ER membrane potential oscillations
McKenzie, Sneyd, 1998
On the Formation and Breakup of Spiral Waves of Calcium
Mears, Sheppard, Atwater, Rojas, Bertram, Sherman, 1997
Evidence That Calcium Release-activated Current Mediates the Biphasic Electrical Activity of Mouse Pancreatic Beta-Cells
Michailova, McCulloch, 2001
Model study of ATP and ADP buffering, transport of Ca2+ and Mg2+, and regulation of ion pumps in ventricular myocyte
Michailova, Saucerman, Belik, McCulloch, 2005
Modeling regulation of cardiac KATP and L-type Ca2+ currents by ATP, ADP, and Mg2+
Mosekilde, Lading, Yanchuk, Maistrenko, 2001
Bifurcation structure of a model of bursting pancreatic cells
Nagerl, Novo, Mody, Vergara, 2000
Binding Kinetics of Calbindin-D28k Determined by Flash Photolysis of Caged Ca2+
Noble, Noble, 2001
Remodelling of Calcium Dynamics in Guinea-Pig Ventricular Cells
Noble, Varghese, Kohl, Noble, 1998
Improved guinea-pig ventricular cell model incorporating a diadic space, IKr and IKs, and length- and tension-dependent processes (Extended Model)
Noble, Varghese, Kohl, Noble, 1998
Improved guinea-pig ventricular cell model incorporating a diadic space, IKr and IKs, and length- and tension-dependent processes (Stretch Model)
Plant, 1981
Bifurcation and resonance in a model for bursting nerve cells
Puglisi, Bers, 2001
LabHEART: an interactive computer model of rabbit ventricular myocyte ion channels and Ca transport
Purvis, Butera, 2005
Ionic Current Model of a Hypoglossal Motoneuron
Raposo, Sobrinho, Ferreira, 2002
A minimal mathematical model of calcium homeostasis
Rice, Jafri, Winslow, 2000
Modeling short-term interval-force relations in cardiac muscle
Rice, Winslow, Jafri, 1999
Modeling Gain and Gradedness of Ca2+ Release in the Functional Unit of the Cardiac Diadic Space
Riemer, Sobie, Tung, 1998
Stretch-induced changes in arrhythmogenesis and excitability in experimentally based heart cell models
Sachse, Glanzel, Seemann, 2003
Modeling of Protein Interactions Involved in Cardiac Tension Development
Saftenku, Williams, Sitsapesan, 2001
Markovian Models of Low and High Activity Levals of Cardiac Ryanodine Receptors (H1 Model)
Saftenku, Williams, Sitsapesan, 2001
Markovian Models of Low and High Activity Levals of Cardiac Ryanodine Receptors (H2 Model)
Saftenku, Williams, Sitsapesan, 2001
Markovian Models of Low and High Activity Levals of Cardiac Ryanodine Receptors (Low Model)
Saucerman, Bers, 2008
Calmodulin Mediates Differential Sensitivity of CAMKII and Calcineurin to Local Ca2+ in Cardiac Myocytes
Shannon, Wang, Puglisi, Weber, Bers, 2004
Modified version of the model which runs to recreate the published results.
Shannon, Wang, Puglisi, Weber, Bers, 2004
The original version of the model, true to the published set of equations, replete with typographical errors contained in the publication.
Shiferaw, Watanabe, Garfinkel, Weiss, Karma, 2003
Model of Intracellular Calcium Cycling in Ventricular Myocytes
Shorten, Robson, McKinnon, Wall, 2000
CRH-induced Electrical Activity and Calcium Signalling in Pituitary Corticotrophs
Shorten, Wall, 2000
A Hodgkin-Huxley Model Exhibiting Bursting Oscillations
Sneyd, Dufour, 2002
A dynamic model of the type-2 inositol triphosphate receptor
Sneyd, Tsaneva-Atanasova, Bruce, Straub, Giovannucci, Yule, 2003
A Model of Calcium Waves in Pancreatic and Parotid Acinar Cells
Sneyd, Tsaneva-Atanasova, Yule, Thompson, Shuttleworth, 2004
Sneyd et al.'s 2004 mathematical model for Ca2+ oscillations and their control by membrane fluxes.
Sneyd, Wetton, Charles, Sanderson, 1995
Intercellular calcium waves mediated by diffusion of inositol trisphosphate: a two-dimensional model
Snyder, Palmer, Moore, 2000
A Mathematical Model of Cardiocyte Ca2+ Dynamics with a Novel Representation of Sarcoplasmic Reticular Ca2+ Control
Sobie, Dilly, dos Santos Cruz, Lederer, Jafri, 2002
Termination of Cardiac Ca2+ Sparks: An Investigative Mathematical Model of Calcium-Induced Calcium Release
Stern, Song, Sham, Yang, Boheler, Rios, 1999
Local Control Models of Cardiac Excitation-Contraction Coupling A Possible Role for Allosteric Interactions between Ryanodine Receptors
Tomida, Hirose, Takizawa, Shibasaki, Iino, 2003
NFAT functions as a working memory of Ca2+ signals in decoding Ca2+ oscillation
Topp, Promislow, de Vries, Miura, Finegood, 2000
A Model of Beta-Cell Mass, Insulin, and Glucose Kinetics: Paythways to Diabetes
Tran, Smith, Loiselle, Crampin, 2009
A Thermodynamic Model of the Cardiac Sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic Ca(2+) (SERCA) Pump: the three-state SERCA model
Tran, Smith, Loiselle, Crampin, 2009
A Thermodynamic Model of the Cardiac Sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic Ca(2+) (SERCA) Pump: the two-state SERCA model
Van Goor, LeBeau, Krsmanovic, Sherman, Catt, Stojilkovic, 2000
Amplitude-Dependent Spike-Broadening and Enhanced Ca2+ Signaling in GnRH-Secreting Neurons
Wang, Huang, Huang, 2006
A quantitative kinetic model for ATP-induced intracellular Ca2+ oscillations
Wang, Sobie, 2008
Mathematical model of the neonatal mouse ventricular action potential
Wang, Sobie, 2008
Mathematical model of the neonatal mouse ventricular action potential
Warren, Tawhai, Crampin, 2010
Mathematical modelling of calcium wave propagation in mammalian airway epithelium: evidence for regenerative ATP release
Wierschem, Bertram,
Complex bursting in pancreatic islets: a potential glycolytic mechanism
Wilkins, Sneyd, 1998
Intercellular Spiral Waves of Calcium
Winograd, Destexhe, Sanchez-Vives, 2008
Hyperpolarization-activated graded persistent activity in the prefrontal cortex
Winslow, Rice, Jafri, Marban, O'Rorke, 1999
Mechanisms of Altered Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Canine Tachycardia-Induced Heart Failure, II Model Studies
Winslow, Rice, Jafri, Marban, O'Rorke, 1999
Mechanisms of Altered Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Canine Tachycardia-Induced Heart Failure, II Model Studies
Yamaguchi, Takaki, Matsubara, Yasuhara, Suga, 1996
Constancy and variability of contractile efficiency as a function of calcium and cross-bridge kinetics: simulation
Yang, Clark, Bryan, Robertson, 2003
The myogenic response in isolated rat cerebrovascular arteries: smooth muscle cell model
Yi, Fogelson, Keener, Peskin, 2003
A Mathematical Study of Volume Shifts and Ionic Concentration Changes during Ischemia and Hypoxia
Zeng, Laurita, Rosenbaum, Rudy, 1995
Two Components of the Delayed Rectifier K+ Current in Ventricular Myocytes of the Guinea Pig Type