C C There are a total of 1 entries in the algebraic variable array. C There are a total of 2 entries in each of the rate and state variable arrays. C There are a total of 7 entries in the constant variable array. C C C VOI is time in component environment (hour). C STATES(1) is O2 in component O2 (CONCENTRATIONO2). C CONSTS(1) is p1 in component O2 (CONFIRMp1). C CONSTS(2) is F1 in component O2 (dimensionless). C CONSTS(3) is p2 in component model_parameters (per_day). C STATES(2) is H2O2 in component H2O2 (CONCENTRATIONH2O2). C CONSTS(4) is p3 in component H2O2 (per_day). C CONSTS(5) is p4 in component H2O2 (per_day). C ALGBRC(1) is V in component V (CONFIRMV). C CONSTS(6) is Vmax in component V (microgram_per_hour). C CONSTS(7) is ki in component V (CONFIRMki). C RATES(1) is d/dt O2 in component O2 (CONCENTRATIONO2). C RATES(2) is d/dt H2O2 in component H2O2 (CONCENTRATIONH2O2). C SUBROUTINE initConsts(CONSTS, RATES, STATES) REAL CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*) STATES(1) = 0.00235897 CONSTS(1) = 0.0000143385 CONSTS(2) = 20 CONSTS(3) = 0.117425199 STATES(2) = 0.000027947 CONSTS(4) = 2.552293418 CONSTS(5) = 8.379310334 CONSTS(6) = 10400000 CONSTS(7) = 0.000008982 RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeRates(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) RATES(1) = CONSTS(1)*CONSTS(2) - CONSTS(3)*STATES(1) RATES(2) = ( CONSTS(3)*STATES(1) - CONSTS(4)*STATES(2)) - CONSTS(5)*STATES(2) RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeVariables(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) ALGBRC(1) = CONSTS(6)*(CONSTS(7)/(CONSTS(7)+STATES(2))) RETURN END