C C There are a total of 12 entries in the algebraic variable array. C There are a total of 7 entries in each of the rate and state variable arrays. C There are a total of 26 entries in the constant variable array. C C C VOI is time in component environment (hour). C STATES(1) is Cgen_pp in component Cgen_pp (micromolar). C CONSTS(23) is Qpp in component Cgen_pp (litre_hour). C CONSTS(1) is Ppp in component Cgen_pp (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(1) is H_Cgen_pp in component Cgen_pp (dimensionless). C CONSTS(2) is Vpp in component Cgen_pp (litre). C ALGBRC(9) is H_Cgen_B in component Cgen_B (dimensionless). C CONSTS(20) is Qt in component model_parameters (litre_hour). C ALGBRC(7) is Cgen_B in component Cgen_B (micromolar). C STATES(2) is Cgen_rp in component Cgen_rp (micromolar). C CONSTS(3) is Prp in component Cgen_rp (dimensionless). C CONSTS(24) is Qrp in component Cgen_rp (litre_hour). C ALGBRC(2) is H_Cgen_rp in component Cgen_rp (dimensionless). C CONSTS(4) is Vrp in component Cgen_rp (litre). C CONSTS(5) is kgen_urine in component Cgen_rp (first_order_rate_constant). C STATES(3) is Cgen_l in component Cgen_l (micromolar). C CONSTS(25) is Ql in component Cgen_l (litre_hour). C ALGBRC(3) is H_Cgen_l in component Cgen_l (dimensionless). C CONSTS(6) is Vl in component Cgen_l (litre). C CONSTS(7) is Pl in component Cgen_l (dimensionless). C CONSTS(8) is Vmax in component model_parameters (micromolar_hour). C CONSTS(9) is Km in component model_parameters (micromolar). C ALGBRC(12) is vinf in component model_parameters (micromole_hour). C ALGBRC(4) is H_Cgen_GI in component Cgen_GI (dimensionless). C CONSTS(26) is QGI in component Cgen_GI (litre_hour). C STATES(4) is Cgen_GI in component Cgen_GI (micromolar). C CONSTS(10) is VGI in component Cgen_GI (litre). C STATES(5) is Ccon_l in component Ccon_l (micromolar). C ALGBRC(5) is H_Ccon_l in component Ccon_l (dimensionless). C CONSTS(11) is kbile in component model_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C ALGBRC(8) is H_Ccon_ROB in component Ccon_ROB (dimensionless). C STATES(6) is Ccon_ROB in component Ccon_ROB (micromolar). C CONSTS(12) is VROB in component Ccon_ROB (litre). C CONSTS(13) is kcon_urine in component Ccon_ROB (first_order_rate_constant). C STATES(7) is Acon_b in component Acon_b (micromole). C ALGBRC(6) is d_t_Cgen_l in component Acon_b (hour). C CONSTS(14) is tbasal in component Acon_b (hour). C CONSTS(15) is ct in component Acon_b (hour). C CONSTS(16) is cgen in component Acon_b (litre_hour_micromole). C CONSTS(17) is cv in component model_parameters (micromole_hour). C ALGBRC(10) is F in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(21) is G in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(11) is H in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(22) is I in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C CONSTS(18) is epsilon in component model_parameters (hour). C CONSTS(19) is m_rat in component model_parameters (dimensionless). C RATES(1) is d/dt Cgen_pp in component Cgen_pp (micromolar). C RATES(2) is d/dt Cgen_rp in component Cgen_rp (micromolar). C RATES(3) is d/dt Cgen_l in component Cgen_l (micromolar). C RATES(4) is d/dt Cgen_GI in component Cgen_GI (micromolar). C RATES(5) is d/dt Ccon_l in component Ccon_l (micromolar). C RATES(6) is d/dt Ccon_ROB in component Ccon_ROB (micromolar). C RATES(7) is d/dt Acon_b in component Acon_b (micromole). C SUBROUTINE initConsts(CONSTS, RATES, STATES) REAL CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*) STATES(1) = 0 CONSTS(1) = 0.59 CONSTS(2) = 0.188 STATES(2) = 0 CONSTS(3) = 1.94 CONSTS(4) = 0.012 CONSTS(5) = 9.5 STATES(3) = 0 CONSTS(6) = 0.0092 CONSTS(7) = 3.61 CONSTS(8) = 25.25 CONSTS(9) = 0.6231 STATES(4) = 0 CONSTS(10) = 0.011 STATES(5) = 0 CONSTS(11) = 111.72 STATES(6) = 0 CONSTS(12) = 0.2408 CONSTS(13) = 0.0 STATES(7) = 0 CONSTS(14) = 0.0865 CONSTS(15) = 1.0107 CONSTS(16) = 0.06561 CONSTS(17) = 1.0 CONSTS(18) = 0.1 CONSTS(19) = 0.25 CONSTS(20) = 14.1000*CONSTS(19) ** 0.750000 CONSTS(21) = 1.00000 CONSTS(22) = 0.00000 CONSTS(23) = 0.528000*CONSTS(20) CONSTS(24) = 0.289000*CONSTS(20) CONSTS(25) = 0.0300000*CONSTS(20) CONSTS(26) = 0.153000*CONSTS(20) RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeRates(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) ALGBRC(5) = TERNRY(STATES(5).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) RATES(7) = CONSTS(11)*ALGBRC(5)*STATES(5)*CONSTS(6) ALGBRC(3) = TERNRY(STATES(3).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) ALGBRC(8) = TERNRY(STATES(6).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) RATES(5) = ( CONSTS(8)*ALGBRC(3)*STATES(3))/(CONSTS(9)+ ALGBRC(3)*STATES(3)) - ( CONSTS(11)*ALGBRC(5)*STATES(5)+( (CONSTS(25)+CONSTS(26))*( ALGBRC(5)*STATES(5) - ALGBRC(8)*STATES(6)))/CONSTS(6)) RATES(6) = ( (CONSTS(25)+CONSTS(26))*( ALGBRC(5)*STATES(5) - ALGBRC(8)*STATES(6)))/CONSTS(12) - CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(8)*STATES(6) ALGBRC(1) = TERNRY(STATES(1).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) ALGBRC(2) = TERNRY(STATES(2).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) ALGBRC(7) = (( CONSTS(24)*ALGBRC(2)*STATES(2))/CONSTS(3)+( CONSTS(23)*ALGBRC(1)*STATES(1))/CONSTS(1)+( (CONSTS(25)+CONSTS(26))*ALGBRC(3)*STATES(3))/CONSTS(7))/CONSTS(20) ALGBRC(9) = TERNRY(ALGBRC(7).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) RATES(1) = ( CONSTS(23)*ALGBRC(9)*ALGBRC(7) - ( CONSTS(23)*ALGBRC(1)*STATES(1))/CONSTS(1))/CONSTS(2) RATES(2) = ( CONSTS(24)*ALGBRC(9)*ALGBRC(7) - ( CONSTS(24)*ALGBRC(2)*STATES(2))/CONSTS(3))/CONSTS(4) - CONSTS(5)*ALGBRC(2)*STATES(2) ALGBRC(4) = TERNRY(STATES(4).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) RATES(4) = ( CONSTS(26)*ALGBRC(9)*ALGBRC(7) - ( CONSTS(26)*ALGBRC(4)*STATES(4))/CONSTS(3))/CONSTS(10) ALGBRC(10) = (-2.00000/CONSTS(18) ** 3.00000)*VOI ** 3.00000+ (3.00000/CONSTS(18) ** 2.00000)*VOI ** 2.00000 ALGBRC(11) = ( 3.00000*1.00000 - VOI ** 2.00000)/CONSTS(18) ** 2.00000 - ( 2.00000*1.00000 - VOI ** 3.00000)/CONSTS(18) ** 3.00000 ALGBRC(12) = TERNRY(VOI.LT.CONSTS(18).AND.VOI.GE.0.00000, CONSTS(17)*ALGBRC(10), TERNRY(VOI.LE.1.00000 - CONSTS(18).AND.VOI.GE.CONSTS(18), CONSTS(17)*CONSTS(21), TERNRY(VOI.LE.1.00000.AND.VOI.GT.1.00000 - CONSTS(18), CONSTS(17)*ALGBRC(11), TERNRY(VOI.LE.1.00000+5.00000/60.0000.AND.VOI.GT.1.00000, CONSTS(17)*CONSTS(22), 0.0/0.0) RATES(3) = (( CONSTS(25)*ALGBRC(9)*ALGBRC(7) - ( (CONSTS(25)+CONSTS(26))*ALGBRC(3)*STATES(3))/CONSTS(7))+ALGBRC(12)+( CONSTS(26)*ALGBRC(4)*STATES(4))/CONSTS(3))/CONSTS(6) - ( CONSTS(8)*ALGBRC(3)*STATES(3))/(CONSTS(9)+ ALGBRC(3)*STATES(3)) RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeVariables(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) ALGBRC(5) = TERNRY(STATES(5).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) ALGBRC(3) = TERNRY(STATES(3).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) ALGBRC(8) = TERNRY(STATES(6).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) ALGBRC(1) = TERNRY(STATES(1).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) ALGBRC(2) = TERNRY(STATES(2).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) ALGBRC(7) = (( CONSTS(24)*ALGBRC(2)*STATES(2))/CONSTS(3)+( CONSTS(23)*ALGBRC(1)*STATES(1))/CONSTS(1)+( (CONSTS(25)+CONSTS(26))*ALGBRC(3)*STATES(3))/CONSTS(7))/CONSTS(20) ALGBRC(9) = TERNRY(ALGBRC(7).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) ALGBRC(4) = TERNRY(STATES(4).LT.0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000) ALGBRC(10) = (-2.00000/CONSTS(18) ** 3.00000)*VOI ** 3.00000+ (3.00000/CONSTS(18) ** 2.00000)*VOI ** 2.00000 ALGBRC(11) = ( 3.00000*1.00000 - VOI ** 2.00000)/CONSTS(18) ** 2.00000 - ( 2.00000*1.00000 - VOI ** 3.00000)/CONSTS(18) ** 3.00000 ALGBRC(12) = TERNRY(VOI.LT.CONSTS(18).AND.VOI.GE.0.00000, CONSTS(17)*ALGBRC(10), TERNRY(VOI.LE.1.00000 - CONSTS(18).AND.VOI.GE.CONSTS(18), CONSTS(17)*CONSTS(21), TERNRY(VOI.LE.1.00000.AND.VOI.GT.1.00000 - CONSTS(18), CONSTS(17)*ALGBRC(11), TERNRY(VOI.LE.1.00000+5.00000/60.0000.AND.VOI.GT.1.00000, CONSTS(17)*CONSTS(22), 0.0/0.0) ALGBRC(6) = CONSTS(14)+ CONSTS(16)*ALGBRC(3)*STATES(3)*EXP(- (VOI/CONSTS(15))) RETURN END REAL FUNCTION TERNRY(TEST, VALA, VALB) LOGICAL TEST REAL VALA, VALB IF (TEST) THEN TERNRY = VALA ELSE TERNRY = VALB ENDIF RETURN END