C C There are a total of 6 entries in the algebraic variable array. C There are a total of 9 entries in each of the rate and state variable arrays. C There are a total of 47 entries in the constant variable array. C C C VOI is time in component environment (minute). C STATES(1) is Cdc13T in component Cdc13T (dimensionless). C CONSTS(1) is k1 in component Cdc13T (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(2) is k2_ in component kinetic_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(3) is k2__ in component kinetic_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(4) is k2___ in component kinetic_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C STATES(2) is M in component M (dimensionless). C STATES(3) is Ste9 in component Ste9 (dimensionless). C STATES(4) is Slp1 in component Slp1 (dimensionless). C STATES(5) is preMPF in component preMPF (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(4) is kwee in component preMPF (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(5) is kwee_ in component preMPF (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(6) is kwee__ in component preMPF (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(7) is Vawee in component preMPF (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(8) is Viwee in component preMPF (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(9) is Jawee in component preMPF (dimensionless). C CONSTS(10) is Jiwee in component preMPF (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(6) is k25 in component preMPF (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(11) is k25_ in component preMPF (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(12) is k25__ in component preMPF (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(13) is Va25 in component preMPF (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(14) is Vi25 in component preMPF (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(15) is Ja25 in component preMPF (dimensionless). C CONSTS(16) is Ji25 in component preMPF (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(3) is MPF in component MPF (dimensionless). C CONSTS(17) is k3_ in component Ste9 (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(18) is k3__ in component Ste9 (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(19) is k4 in component Ste9 (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(20) is k4_ in component Ste9 (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(21) is J3 in component Ste9 (dimensionless). C CONSTS(22) is J4 in component Ste9 (dimensionless). C STATES(6) is SK in component SK (dimensionless). C STATES(7) is Slp1T in component Slp1T (dimensionless). C CONSTS(23) is k5_ in component Slp1T (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(24) is k5__ in component Slp1T (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(25) is J5 in component Slp1T (dimensionless). C CONSTS(26) is k6 in component kinetic_parameters (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(27) is k7 in component Slp1 (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(28) is k8 in component Slp1 (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(29) is J7 in component Slp1 (dimensionless). C CONSTS(30) is J8 in component Slp1 (dimensionless). C STATES(8) is IEP in component IEP (dimensionless). C CONSTS(31) is k9 in component IEP (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(32) is k10 in component IEP (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(33) is J9 in component IEP (dimensionless). C CONSTS(34) is J10 in component IEP (dimensionless). C STATES(9) is Rum1T in component Rum1T (dimensionless). C CONSTS(35) is k11 in component Rum1T (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(36) is k12 in component Rum1T (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(37) is k12_ in component Rum1T (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(38) is k12__ in component Rum1T (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(39) is k13 in component SK (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(40) is k14 in component SK (first_order_rate_constant). C ALGBRC(5) is TF in component TF (dimensionless). C CONSTS(41) is mu in component M (first_order_rate_constant). C ALGBRC(2) is Trimer in component Trimer (dimensionless). C ALGBRC(1) is sum in component Trimer (dimensionless). C CONSTS(42) is Kdiss in component Trimer (dimensionless). C CONSTS(43) is k15 in component TF (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(44) is k16_ in component TF (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(45) is k16__ in component TF (first_order_rate_constant). C CONSTS(46) is J15 in component TF (dimensionless). C CONSTS(47) is J16 in component TF (dimensionless). C RATES(1) is d/dt Cdc13T in component Cdc13T (dimensionless). C RATES(5) is d/dt preMPF in component preMPF (dimensionless). C RATES(3) is d/dt Ste9 in component Ste9 (dimensionless). C RATES(7) is d/dt Slp1T in component Slp1T (dimensionless). C RATES(4) is d/dt Slp1 in component Slp1 (dimensionless). C RATES(8) is d/dt IEP in component IEP (dimensionless). C RATES(9) is d/dt Rum1T in component Rum1T (dimensionless). C RATES(6) is d/dt SK in component SK (dimensionless). C RATES(2) is d/dt M in component M (dimensionless). C SUBROUTINE initConsts(CONSTS, RATES, STATES) REAL CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*) STATES(1) = 0.2 CONSTS(1) = 0.03 CONSTS(2) = 0.03 CONSTS(3) = 1 CONSTS(4) = 0.1 STATES(2) = 1 STATES(3) = 1 STATES(4) = 2.2 STATES(5) = 0 CONSTS(5) = 0.15 CONSTS(6) = 1.3 CONSTS(7) = 0.25 CONSTS(8) = 1 CONSTS(9) = 0.01 CONSTS(10) = 0.01 CONSTS(11) = 0.05 CONSTS(12) = 5 CONSTS(13) = 1 CONSTS(14) = 0.25 CONSTS(15) = 0.01 CONSTS(16) = 0.01 CONSTS(17) = 1 CONSTS(18) = 10 CONSTS(19) = 35 CONSTS(20) = 2 CONSTS(21) = 0.01 CONSTS(22) = 0.01 STATES(6) = 0 STATES(7) = 0 CONSTS(23) = 0.005 CONSTS(24) = 0.3 CONSTS(25) = 0.3 CONSTS(26) = 0.1 CONSTS(27) = 1 CONSTS(28) = 0.25 CONSTS(29) = 0.001 CONSTS(30) = 0.001 STATES(8) = 0 CONSTS(31) = 0.1 CONSTS(32) = 0.04 CONSTS(33) = 0.01 CONSTS(34) = 0.01 STATES(9) = 0 CONSTS(35) = 0.1 CONSTS(36) = 0.01 CONSTS(37) = 1 CONSTS(38) = 3 CONSTS(39) = 0.1 CONSTS(40) = 0.1 CONSTS(41) = 0.005 CONSTS(42) = 0.001 CONSTS(43) = 1.5 CONSTS(44) = 1 CONSTS(45) = 2 CONSTS(46) = 0.01 CONSTS(47) = 0.01 RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeRates(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) RATES(1) = CONSTS(1)*STATES(2) - (CONSTS(2)+ CONSTS(3)*STATES(3)+ CONSTS(4)*STATES(4))*STATES(1) RATES(4) = ( CONSTS(27)*STATES(8)*(STATES(7) - STATES(4)))/((CONSTS(29)+STATES(7)) - STATES(4)) - (( CONSTS(28)*STATES(4))/(CONSTS(30)+STATES(4))+ CONSTS(26)*STATES(4)) RATES(2) = CONSTS(41)*STATES(2) ALGBRC(1) = STATES(1)+STATES(9)+CONSTS(42) ALGBRC(2) = ( 2.00000*STATES(1)*STATES(9))/(ALGBRC(1)+ (ALGBRC(1) ** 2.00000 - 4.00000*STATES(1)*STATES(9)) ** (1.0 / 2)) ALGBRC(3) = ( (STATES(1) - STATES(5))*(STATES(1) - ALGBRC(2)))/STATES(1) RATES(3) = ( (CONSTS(17)+ CONSTS(18)*STATES(4))*(1.00000 - STATES(3)))/((CONSTS(21)+1.00000) - STATES(3)) - ( ( CONSTS(20)*STATES(6)+ CONSTS(19)*ALGBRC(3))*STATES(3))/(CONSTS(22)+STATES(3)) RATES(7) = (CONSTS(23)+( CONSTS(24)*ALGBRC(3) ** 4.00000)/(CONSTS(25) ** 4.00000+ALGBRC(3) ** 4.00000)) - CONSTS(26)*STATES(7) RATES(8) = ( CONSTS(31)*ALGBRC(3)*(1.00000 - STATES(8)))/((CONSTS(33)+1.00000) - STATES(8)) - ( CONSTS(32)*STATES(8))/(CONSTS(34)+STATES(8)) RATES(9) = CONSTS(35) - (CONSTS(36)+ CONSTS(37)*STATES(6)+ CONSTS(38)*ALGBRC(3))*STATES(9) ALGBRC(5) = ( 2.00000*CONSTS(43)*STATES(2)*CONSTS(47))/(((CONSTS(44)+ CONSTS(45)*ALGBRC(3)) - CONSTS(43)*STATES(2))+ (CONSTS(44)+ CONSTS(45)*ALGBRC(3))*CONSTS(46)+ CONSTS(43)*STATES(2)*CONSTS(47)+ (((CONSTS(44)+ CONSTS(45)*ALGBRC(3)) - CONSTS(43)*STATES(2))+ (CONSTS(44)+ CONSTS(45)*ALGBRC(3))*CONSTS(46)+ CONSTS(43)*STATES(2)*CONSTS(47) ** 2.00000 - 4.00000*CONSTS(43)*STATES(2)*CONSTS(47)*((CONSTS(44)+ CONSTS(45)*ALGBRC(3)) - CONSTS(43)*STATES(2))) ** (1.0 / 2)) RATES(6) = CONSTS(39)*ALGBRC(5) - CONSTS(40)*STATES(6) ALGBRC(4) = CONSTS(5)+( (CONSTS(6) - CONSTS(5))*2.00000*CONSTS(7)*CONSTS(10))/(( CONSTS(8)*ALGBRC(3) - CONSTS(7))+ CONSTS(8)*ALGBRC(3)*CONSTS(9)+ CONSTS(7)*CONSTS(10)+ (( CONSTS(8)*ALGBRC(3) - CONSTS(7))+ CONSTS(8)*ALGBRC(3)*CONSTS(9)+ CONSTS(7)*CONSTS(10) ** 2.00000 - 4.00000*CONSTS(7)*CONSTS(10)*( CONSTS(8)*ALGBRC(3) - CONSTS(7))) ** (1.0 / 2)) ALGBRC(6) = CONSTS(11)+( (CONSTS(12) - CONSTS(11))*2.00000*CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3)*CONSTS(16))/((CONSTS(14) - CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3))+ CONSTS(14)*CONSTS(15)+ CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3)*CONSTS(16)+ ((CONSTS(14) - CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3))+ CONSTS(14)*CONSTS(15)+ CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3)*CONSTS(16) ** 2.00000 - 4.00000*CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3)*CONSTS(16)*(CONSTS(14) - CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3))) ** (1.0 / 2)) RATES(5) = ( ALGBRC(4)*(STATES(1) - STATES(5)) - ALGBRC(6)*STATES(5)) - (CONSTS(2)+ CONSTS(3)*STATES(3)+ CONSTS(4)*STATES(4))*STATES(5) RETURN END SUBROUTINE computeVariables(VOI, CONSTS, RATES, STATES, ALGBRC) REAL VOI, CONSTS(*), RATES(*), STATES(*), ALGBRC(*) ALGBRC(1) = STATES(1)+STATES(9)+CONSTS(42) ALGBRC(2) = ( 2.00000*STATES(1)*STATES(9))/(ALGBRC(1)+ (ALGBRC(1) ** 2.00000 - 4.00000*STATES(1)*STATES(9)) ** (1.0 / 2)) ALGBRC(3) = ( (STATES(1) - STATES(5))*(STATES(1) - ALGBRC(2)))/STATES(1) ALGBRC(5) = ( 2.00000*CONSTS(43)*STATES(2)*CONSTS(47))/(((CONSTS(44)+ CONSTS(45)*ALGBRC(3)) - CONSTS(43)*STATES(2))+ (CONSTS(44)+ CONSTS(45)*ALGBRC(3))*CONSTS(46)+ CONSTS(43)*STATES(2)*CONSTS(47)+ (((CONSTS(44)+ CONSTS(45)*ALGBRC(3)) - CONSTS(43)*STATES(2))+ (CONSTS(44)+ CONSTS(45)*ALGBRC(3))*CONSTS(46)+ CONSTS(43)*STATES(2)*CONSTS(47) ** 2.00000 - 4.00000*CONSTS(43)*STATES(2)*CONSTS(47)*((CONSTS(44)+ CONSTS(45)*ALGBRC(3)) - CONSTS(43)*STATES(2))) ** (1.0 / 2)) ALGBRC(4) = CONSTS(5)+( (CONSTS(6) - CONSTS(5))*2.00000*CONSTS(7)*CONSTS(10))/(( CONSTS(8)*ALGBRC(3) - CONSTS(7))+ CONSTS(8)*ALGBRC(3)*CONSTS(9)+ CONSTS(7)*CONSTS(10)+ (( CONSTS(8)*ALGBRC(3) - CONSTS(7))+ CONSTS(8)*ALGBRC(3)*CONSTS(9)+ CONSTS(7)*CONSTS(10) ** 2.00000 - 4.00000*CONSTS(7)*CONSTS(10)*( CONSTS(8)*ALGBRC(3) - CONSTS(7))) ** (1.0 / 2)) ALGBRC(6) = CONSTS(11)+( (CONSTS(12) - CONSTS(11))*2.00000*CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3)*CONSTS(16))/((CONSTS(14) - CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3))+ CONSTS(14)*CONSTS(15)+ CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3)*CONSTS(16)+ ((CONSTS(14) - CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3))+ CONSTS(14)*CONSTS(15)+ CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3)*CONSTS(16) ** 2.00000 - 4.00000*CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3)*CONSTS(16)*(CONSTS(14) - CONSTS(13)*ALGBRC(3))) ** (1.0 / 2)) RETURN END