/* There are a total of 3 entries in the algebraic variable array. There are a total of 2 entries in each of the rate and state variable arrays. There are a total of 10 entries in the constant variable array. */ /* * VOI is time in component environment (ms). * ALGEBRAIC[0] is J_stim in component J_stim (per_ms). * CONSTANTS[0] is IstimStart in component J_stim (ms). * CONSTANTS[1] is IstimEnd in component J_stim (ms). * CONSTANTS[2] is IstimAmplitude in component J_stim (per_ms). * CONSTANTS[3] is IstimPeriod in component J_stim (ms). * CONSTANTS[4] is IstimPulseDuration in component J_stim (ms). * STATES[0] is Vm in component membrane (dimensionless). * ALGEBRAIC[1] is J_in in component J_in (per_ms). * ALGEBRAIC[2] is J_out in component J_out (per_ms). * CONSTANTS[5] is tau_in in component J_in (ms). * STATES[1] is h in component J_in_h_gate (dimensionless). * CONSTANTS[6] is tau_open in component J_in_h_gate (ms). * CONSTANTS[7] is tau_close in component J_in_h_gate (ms). * CONSTANTS[8] is V_gate in component J_in_h_gate (dimensionless). * CONSTANTS[9] is tau_out in component J_out (ms). * RATES[0] is d/dt Vm in component membrane (dimensionless). * RATES[1] is d/dt h in component J_in_h_gate (dimensionless). */ void initConsts(double* CONSTANTS, double* RATES, double *STATES) { CONSTANTS[0] = 0; CONSTANTS[1] = 50000; CONSTANTS[2] = 0.2; CONSTANTS[3] = 500; CONSTANTS[4] = 1; STATES[0] = 0.00000820413566106744; CONSTANTS[5] = 0.3; STATES[1] = 0.8789655121804799; CONSTANTS[6] = 120.0; CONSTANTS[7] = 150.0; CONSTANTS[8] = 0.13; CONSTANTS[9] = 6.0; } void computeRates(double VOI, double* CONSTANTS, double* RATES, double* STATES, double* ALGEBRAIC) { RATES[1] = (STATES[0]=CONSTANTS[0]&&VOI<=CONSTANTS[1]&&(VOI - CONSTANTS[0]) - floor((VOI - CONSTANTS[0])/CONSTANTS[3])*CONSTANTS[3]<=CONSTANTS[4] ? CONSTANTS[2] : 0.00000); ALGEBRAIC[1] = ( STATES[1]*( pow(STATES[0], 2.00000)*(1.00000 - STATES[0])))/CONSTANTS[5]; ALGEBRAIC[2] = - (STATES[0]/CONSTANTS[9]); RATES[0] = ALGEBRAIC[1]+ALGEBRAIC[2]+ALGEBRAIC[0]; } void computeVariables(double VOI, double* CONSTANTS, double* RATES, double* STATES, double* ALGEBRAIC) { ALGEBRAIC[0] = (VOI>=CONSTANTS[0]&&VOI<=CONSTANTS[1]&&(VOI - CONSTANTS[0]) - floor((VOI - CONSTANTS[0])/CONSTANTS[3])*CONSTANTS[3]<=CONSTANTS[4] ? CONSTANTS[2] : 0.00000); ALGEBRAIC[1] = ( STATES[1]*( pow(STATES[0], 2.00000)*(1.00000 - STATES[0])))/CONSTANTS[5]; ALGEBRAIC[2] = - (STATES[0]/CONSTANTS[9]); }