Location: Practical application of CellML 1.1: The integration of new mechanisms into a human ventricular myocyte model @ d6328d18c94e / TNNP-extended / components / Jrel-pH_i-fit.data

David Nickerson <nickerso@users.sourceforge.net>
2013-05-04 07:40:04+12:00
adding initial TODO list to keep track of what I need to do to get things working with more recent tools than my original CellMLSimulator that I used in this paper
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# pH_i H_i(mM) openProbability (from Xu et al (1996) Circ Res 79(6):1100-1109)
6.0      1e-3  0.22
6.5  3.162e-4  0.43
6.75 1.778e-4  0.63
7.0      1e-4  0.90
7.3  5.012e-5  1.00