Location: Structural Test CellML 1.1 Models @ dabad7cb25fd / README.txt

mike <devnull@localhost>
2014-09-16 14:53:52+12:00
Adding simple README
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Models are numbered and can be sorted in a folder for easy viewing

1 - a simple x=1 model, with no units About the simplest CellML model one could come up with that actually has some maths.
2 - a simple association reaction with units, including some derived from new units.
3 - as 2 but the law of mass action has been abstracted into a separate component
4 - as 3 but the components are in separate files and therefore this uses imports.
5 - as 4 but includes 2 association reactions each obtaining their equation from the child component. So uses encapsulation etc too
6 - as 5 but abstracts the data (parameter values) out of the components into a separate component