Location: Generic mouse lung scaffold @ 0ea2ebc68cda / mouseLungsView.cmgui

Arti Sukasem <51779010+arti-sukasem@users.noreply.github.com>
2021-02-23 15:22:08+13:00
Update CMGUI files
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gfx define tessellation default minimum_divisions "1" refinement_factors "16" circle_divisions 12;
gfx define tessellation default_points minimum_divisions "1" refinement_factors "1" circle_divisions 12;

gfx create material lung normal_mode ambient 0.89 0.65 0.57 diffuse 0.89 0.6471 0.5686 emission 0 0 0 specular 0.3 0.3 0.3 alpha 1 shininess 0.3;

gfx read elem "mouseLungsMesh.exf";

gfx modify g_element "/" general clear;
gfx modify g_element "/" lines domain_mesh1d coordinate coordinates face all tessellation default LOCAL line line_base_size 0 select_on material default selected_material default_selected render_shaded;
gfx modify g_element "/" surfaces domain_mesh2d as rightAccessory subgroup "right lung accessory lobe" coordinate coordinates face all tessellation default LOCAL select_on material lung selected_material default_selected render_shaded;
gfx modify g_element "/" surfaces domain_mesh2d as lowerRight subgroup "lower lobe of right lung" coordinate coordinates face all tessellation default LOCAL select_on material lung selected_material default_selected render_shaded;
gfx modify g_element "/" surfaces domain_mesh2d as middleRight subgroup "middle lobe of right lung" coordinate coordinates face all tessellation default LOCAL select_on material lung selected_material default_selected render_shaded;
gfx modify g_element "/" surfaces domain_mesh2d as UpperRight subgroup "upper lobe of right lung" coordinate coordinates face all tessellation default LOCAL select_on material lung selected_material default_selected render_shaded;

gfx create window 1 double_buffer;
gfx modify window 1 image scene "/" filter default infinite_viewer_lighting two_sided_lighting;
gfx modify window 1 image add_light default;
gfx modify window 1 image add_light default_ambient;
gfx modify window 1 layout simple ortho_axes z -y eye_spacing 0.25 width 808 height 1128;
gfx modify window 1 set current_pane 1;
gfx modify window 1 background colour 0 0 0 texture none;
gfx modify window 1 view perspective eye_point -20.2379 27.8098 17.385 interest_point -3.68635 -7.80631 9.30224 up_vector -0.0226325 -0.231247 0.972632 view_angle 40 near_clipping_plane 2.00487 far_clipping_plane 81.376 relative_viewport ndc_placement -1 1 2 2 viewport_coordinates 0 0 1 1;
gfx modify window 1 set transform_tool current_pane 1 std_view_angle 40 perturb_lines no_antialias depth_of_field 0.0 fast_transparency blend_normal;