Location: Hodgkin & Huxley (1952) model @ 2c02c6188a52 / doc / components.rst

WeiweiAi <wai484@aucklanduni.ac.nz>
2021-05-11 20:05:23+12:00
Add model status; Fixed the errors in the top level documents.
Permanent Source URI:


CellML divides the mathematical model into distinct components, which are able to be re-used.
The main CellML components are:

- `Membrane potential component <../components/stimulated.cellml/view>`_
- `Membrane current component <../components/clamped_current.cellml/view>`_ (the ionic current during a voltage clamp)
- `Propagated action potential component <../components/propagated_AP.cellml/view>`_
- `Potassium current component <../components/IK.cellml>`_
- `Sodium current component <../components/INa.cellml>`_
- `Leakage current component <../components/Ileak.cellml>`_
- `Gating kinetics component <../components/gating-variable.cellml>`_ – a single definition instantiated three times for the n, m, and h gates
- `Gating rates components <../components/IK-gating-rates.cellml>`_ (open/close rates for n, m, and h gates respectively)
- `Gate initialization components <../components/gate_initials.cellml/view>`_ (steady state values of n, m, and h gates under voltage boundary condition)
- `Temperature component <../components/temperature_factor.cellml/view>`_
- `Time component <../experiments/time.cellml/view>`_ 

Each of these blocks is itself a CellML model, which enables us to reuse the various components in future studies and models.