Location: Hodgkin & Huxley (1952) model @ e5b790e74a8b / doc / experiments.rst

WeiweiAi <wai484@aucklanduni.ac.nz>
2021-11-15 14:43:10+13:00
Update cellLib for the gate_plot.m
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Following best practices, this model separates the mathematics from the parameterisation of the model. The mathematical model is imported into a specific parameterised instance in order to perform numerical simulations. 
The parameterisation would include defining the stimulus protocol to be applied.

This workspace has three sets of experiment:

1. `Periodic stimulation <../experiments/periodic-stimulus.cellml/view>`_    

2. `Voltage clamp experiment <../experiments/voltage_clamp_experiment.cellml/view>`_ 

3. `Action potential propagation along 1D cable model <../experiments/AP_propagation_experiment.cellml/view>`_  

Simulation settings 
Simulation settings are encoded in SED-ML_ documents for experiment execution. 
The python scripts to run simulation and reproduce the figures in the original paper are also included.

.. _SED-ML: http://sed-ml.org/