Location: Lockwood, Ewy, Hermann, Holford, 2006 @ c5bc10cf7952 / lockwood_ewy_hermann_holford_2006.cellml

Catherine Lloyd <c.lloyd@auckland.ac.nz>
2009-12-02 12:25:21+13:00
Corrected units, corrected some equations, had to add a dummy ode to get the model to run in COR because it's purely algebraic. Also added documentation and metadata. Model now runs to almost match the paper but we need to add an equation describing drug input and clearance. This is not explicitly defined in an equation in the paper but it can hopefully be constructed from what is written in the text.
Permanent Source URI:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<model xmlns="http://www.cellml.org/cellml/1.0#" xmlns:cmeta="http://www.cellml.org/metadata/1.0#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:bqs="http://www.cellml.org/bqs/1.0#" xmlns:cellml="http://www.cellml.org/cellml/1.0#" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:vCard="http://www.w3.org/2001/vcard-rdf/3.0#" cmeta:id="lockwood_2006" name="lockwood_2006">

<documentation xmlns="http://cellml.org/tmp-documentation">
  <title>Application of clinical trial simulation to compare proof-of-concept study designs for drugs with a slow onset of effect; an example in Alzheimer's disease</title>
      <shortaffil>Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland</shortaffil>
  <section id="sec_status">
    <title>Model Status</title>
       This CellML model represents version A of the published model (Table 1.A vPFK regulation by ATP-AMP concentrations) and runs in both PCEnv and COR to replicate the published results (Figure 2A).  The units have been checked and they are consistent.  We'd like to thank the original model author Mathieu Cloutier for his time spent curating the CellML model to get it matching the published model.
  <sect1 id="sec_structure">
  <title>Model Structure</title>

ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: Clinical trial simulation (CTS) was used to select a robust design to test the hypothesis that a new treatment was effective for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Typically, a parallel group, placebo controlled, 12-week trial in 200-400 AD patients would be used to establish drug effect relative to placebo (i.e., Ho: Drug Effect = 0). We evaluated if a crossover design would allow smaller and shorter duration trials. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A family of plausible drug and disease models describing the time course of the AD assessment scale (ADAS-Cog) was developed based on Phase I data and literature reports of other treatments for AD. The models included pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, disease progression, and placebo components. Eight alternative trial designs were explored via simulation. One hundred replicates of each combination of drug and disease model and trial design were simulated. A 'positive trial' reflecting drug activity was declared considering both a dose trend test (p less than 0.05) and pair-wise comparisons to placebo (p less than 0.025). RESULTS: A 4 x 4 Latin Square design was predicted to have at least 80% power to detect activity across a range of drug and disease models. The trial design was subsequently implemented and the trial was completed. Based on the results of the actual trial, a conclusive decision about further development was taken. The crossover design provided enhanced power over a parallel group design due to the lower residual variability. CONCLUSION: CTS aided the decision to use a more efficient proof of concept trial design, leading to savings of up to US 4 M dollars in direct costs and a firm decision 8-12 months earlier than a 12-week parallel group trial.

<informalfigure float="0" id="fig_reaction_diagram">
      <title>model diagram</title>
    <imagedata fileref="lockwood_2006.png"/>
<caption>Schematic diagram of the model.</caption>

The original paper reference is cited below:

Application of clinical trial simulation to compare proof-of-concept study designs for drugs with a slow onset of effect; an example in Alzheimer's disease, Peter Lockwood, Wayne Ewy, David Hermann and Nick Holford, 2006, <emphasis>Pharmaceutical Research</emphasis>, 23, (9), 2050-2059.  <ulink url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&amp;cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;list_uids=16906456&amp;query_hl=1&amp;itool=pubmed_docsum">PubMed ID: 16906456</ulink>

    <units name="units" base_units="yes" />
	<units name="units_ml_per_ng">
      <unit units="units"/>
	  <unit prefix="milli" units="litre"/>
      <unit exponent="-1" prefix="nano" units="gram"/>
	<units name="ng_per_ml">
      <unit prefix="nano" units="gram"/>
      <unit exponent="-1" prefix="milli" units="litre"/>
	<units name="day">
      <unit multiplier="86400" units="second"/>
	<units name="per_day">
      <unit exponent="-1" units="day"/>
	<units name="units_per_day">
      <unit units="units"/>
	  <unit exponent="-1" units="day"/>
	<units name="year">
      <unit multiplier="31536000" units="second"/>
	<units name="per_year">
      <unit exponent="-1" units="year"/>
	<component name="environment">
      <variable name="time" public_interface="out" units="day"/>
	<component name="population_pharmacodynamics_model">
      <variable name="S" units="units"/>
      <variable name="S0" units="units" initial_value="30"/>
      <variable name="alpha" units="units_per_day" initial_value="0.0164"/>
      <variable name="epsilon" units="units" initial_value="16"/>
	  <variable name="time" units="day" public_interface="in"/>
      <variable name="ADAS_Cog_p" units="units" public_interface="in"/>
      <variable name="PD_CeA" units="units" public_interface="in"/>
	  <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
   <component name="placebo_response_model">
      <variable name="ADAS_Cog_p" units="units" public_interface="out"/>
      <variable name="beta_P" units="units" initial_value="-3"/>
      <variable name="Keq_p" units="per_day"/>
      <variable name="Kel_p" units="per_day"/>
      <variable name="t_half_el_p" units="day" initial_value="7"/>
      <variable name="t_half_eq_p" units="day" initial_value="6"/>
	  <variable name="time" units="day" public_interface="in"/>
	  <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
                  <cn cellml:units="dimensionless">2</cn>
                  <cn cellml:units="dimensionless">2</cn>
   <component name="pharmacokinetic_model">
      <variable name="CL" units="dimensionless"/>
      <variable name="smk" units="dimensionless" initial_value="1"/>
      <variable name="age" units="year" initial_value="40"/>
	  <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
               <cn cellml:units="dimensionless">94.5</cn>
						<cn cellml:units="per_year">0.0135</cn>
						<cn cellml:units="year">40</cn>
   <component name="drop_out_model">
      <variable name="Sv" units="dimensionless"/>
	  <variable name="time" units="day" public_interface="in"/>
	  <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
                     <cn cellml:units="per_day">0.00145</cn>
   <component name="drug_response_model">
      <variable name="PD_CeA" units="units" public_interface="out"/>
	  <variable name="beta_a" units="units_ml_per_ng" initial_value="-0.047"/>
      <variable name="CeA" units="ng_per_ml" initial_value="25"/>
	  <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
   <component name="dummy_ode">
    <variable initial_value="0.2" name="dummy" units="dimensionless"/> 
    <variable name="time" public_interface="in" units="day"/> 
    <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> 
          <ci> dummy </ci> 
          <cn cellml:units="per_day">0.5</cn>
		  <cn cellml:units="per_day">0.6</cn>
      <map_components component_1="placebo_response_model" component_2="population_pharmacodynamics_model"/>
      <map_variables variable_1="ADAS_Cog_p" variable_2="ADAS_Cog_p"/>
      <map_components component_1="drug_response_model" component_2="population_pharmacodynamics_model"/>
      <map_variables variable_1="PD_CeA" variable_2="PD_CeA"/>
      <map_components component_1="drop_out_model" component_2="environment"/>
      <map_variables variable_1="time" variable_2="time"/>
      <map_components component_1="placebo_response_model" component_2="environment"/>
      <map_variables variable_1="time" variable_2="time"/>
      <map_components component_1="population_pharmacodynamics_model" component_2="environment"/>
      <map_variables variable_1="time" variable_2="time"/>
      <map_components component_1="dummy_ode" component_2="environment"/>
      <map_variables variable_1="time" variable_2="time"/>
   <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:bqs="http://www.cellml.org/bqs/1.0#" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:vCard="http://www.w3.org/2001/vcard-rdf/3.0#">
    <foo xmlns="http://www.example.org/foo/bar/baz" />
      The following RDF block contains metadata that applies to this document
      as a whole, as indicated by the empty about attribute on the 
      <rdf:Description> element.
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        The Model Builder Metadata.  The Dublin Core "creator" element is used  
        to indicate the person who translated the model into CellML.
      <dc:creator rdf:parseType="Resource">
        <vCard:N rdf:parseType="Resource">
        <vCard:EMAIL rdf:parseType="Resource">
          <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://imc.org/vCard/3.0#internet"/>
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          <vCard:Orgname>The University of Auckland</vCard:Orgname>
          <vCard:Orgunit>Auckland Bioengineering Institute</vCard:Orgunit>
        The Creation Date metadata. This is the date on which the model
        was translated into CellML.
      <dcterms:created rdf:parseType="Resource">
        The Modification History metadata. This lists the changes that have been
        made to the document, who made the changes, and when they were made.
      The following metadata refers to the model itself, as indicated by the
      reference to the ID "lockwood_2006", which is    
      declared on the <model> element.
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="#lockwood_2006">
      <!--  Keyword(s) -->
      <bqs:reference rdf:parseType="Resource">
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			  <rdf:li>pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic model</rdf:li>

      <bqs:reference rdf:parseType="Resource">
        <bqs:JournalArticle rdf:parseType="Resource">
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			  <rdf:li rdf:parseType="Resource">
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                  <vCard:N rdf:parseType="Resource">
            Application of clinical trial simulation to compare proof-of-concept study designs for drugs with a slow onset of effect; an example in Alzheimer's disease
          <dcterms:issued rdf:parseType="Resource">
          <bqs:Journal rdf:parseType="Resource">
            <dc:title>Pharmaceutical Research</dc:title>