Improved guinea-pig ventricular cell model incorporating a diadic space, IKr and IKs, and length- and tension-dependent processes.

Improved guinea-pig ventricular cell model incorporating a diadic space, IKr and IKs, and length- and tension-dependent processes.

Model Status

This CellML model is known to run in both COR and PCEnv to recreate the original results. The units have been checked and they are consistent. This particular version of the model has multiple stimuli between 200s and 600s.

This model is valid CellML and has consistent units.

Model Structure

This CellML model is a description of the Noble 2000 (N2K) guinea pig ventricular cell model. N2K is an updated version of the model published by Noble et al. in 1998, in which the voltage-sensitive L-type Ca2+ current (ICaL) and the Ca2+ dynamics have been refined.

Noble, Carghese, Kohl and Noble's 1998 guinea pig ventricular cell model incorporates a diadic space, IKr and IKs currents, and length and tension dependent processes. The 'b' variant is parameterised for the 'basic' model.

To simulate multiple action potentials with this model the following integrator parameters must be used: max step size must be 0.001 or less, max point density must be 10,000 or more.

The complete original 1998 paper reference is cited below:

Improved guinea-pig ventricular cell model incorporating a diadic space, IKr and IKs, and length- and tension-dependent processes, Denis Noble, Anthony Varghese, Peter Kohl and Penelope Noble, 1998, Can J Cardiol , 14, 123-134. PubMed ID: 9487284

Paper reference is in which the current model is described:

Cellular Open Resource (COR): current status and future directions. Alan Garny, Denis Noble, Peter J. Hunter and Peter Kohl, 2009, Philisophical Transactions of the Royal Society (accepted)

A schematic diagram describing the current flows across the cell membrane that are captured in the Noble'98 model.