
Date Author Log Options Exposure
2010-07-19 Hanne Added new xul and clickable session files [files] [tgz] [zip] Chen, Popel, 2007
2010-04-29 Catherine Lloyd Removed redundant files from the workspace. Updated the curation status. Checked units. Added a meaningful name to each model to help distinguish them from each other. [files] [tgz] [zip] Chen, Popel, 2007
2009-11-27 Hanne Added images in ai and svg format, removed non pub med reference [files] [tgz] [zip]
2007-09-03 pmr2.import committing version02 of chen_popel_2007 [files] [tgz] [zip] Chen, Popel, 2006
2007-08-29 pmr2.import committing version01 of chen_popel_2007 [files] [tgz] [zip]