
  • State: Published

Shi, Hose, 2009

Exposure Information

Latest Exposure To the presentational view for the most recent revision of data reviewed and published from this workspace.

Workspace Summary

Zero dimensional (lumped parameter) modelling of native human cardiovascular dynamics
James Lawson <>
URI for git clone/pull/push
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Filename Size Date Options
CSysBase.png 57665 2010-10-27 [browse]
EAtrium.cellml 3359 2010-10-27 [browse]
EVentricle.cellml 4892 2010-10-27 [browse]
ModelHeart.cellml 9615 2010-10-27 [browse]
ModelMain.cellml 14360 2010-10-27 [browse]
ModelPul.cellml 4696 2010-10-27 [browse]
ModelSys.cellml 4698 2010-10-27 [browse]
ParaHeart.cellml 4707 2010-10-27 [browse]
ParaPul.cellml 1909 2010-10-27 [browse]
ParaSys.cellml 1911 2010-10-27 [browse]
TempCDa.cellml 4937 2010-10-27 [browse]
TempCDv.cellml 5829 2010-10-27 [browse]
TempR.cellml 910 2010-10-27 [browse]
TempRC.cellml 1285 2010-10-27 [browse]
TempRLC.cellml 1577 2010-10-27 [browse]
TestCDv3.cellml 14821 2010-10-27 [browse]
Units.cellml 1462 2010-10-27 [browse]